Thursday 22 September 2011

This is me!

Hello everyone,

I am a 19 year old accountant to be, as well as my own food critic with a major interest in fashion. I am from Alberta, but am currently going to college in Ontario. I am in my first year of business-accounting. My hobbies are cooking/baking, travelling and shopping. I really enjoy trying new foods and also trying new trends and style.

I am new at blogs, and since I am a new student this fall I thought I would start one all about college life, food/eating and fashion. I love fashion, trends and new recipes! I will try to blog every day about what I am wearing and what I am cooking.

Please feel free to leave comments about what you like, and what you would like more of.

I also have a twitter for anyone who would like to follow, it's _blondeLOVE

Have a fabulous day!


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